How I gained 40 pounds in 2 months..
Have you tried eating a bucket of ice-cream for lunch and felt full till dinner. I am pretty sure you must have tried the former quite a many times except that the latter didn’t really work out that way. What would have rather happened was, right after devouring that tub of ice-cream within an hour, you must have felt a pang of hunger surging right through your gut. After which you would have probably gulped some more of that ice cream or some delicious tuna sandwich.
That tub of ice-cream was serving me and my taste buds pretty well until I realised I had gained 40 pounds in 2 months. You must be wondering, how can just a tub of ice-cream have someone gain so much weight. Well, it was just not the ice-cream, it was a combination of various other factors which led to my exponential weight gain in such a short period of time.
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This was almost a year and half back, when I shifted to a new City struggling and adjusting with my new job. A city well known for its eateries and cafes’, the move had had me explore all the nearby cafe’s and food joints. As I was staying in a paying guest, the food delivery start ups like zomato and swiggy also helped me getting my favorite snacks and desserts right at my doorstep at all odd hours.
While I was enjoying my daily binge, I equally lazed around in my corporate job, with almost next to zero physical activity. Oh! What a life that was! Well! Not for long. As I was enjoying my sedentary lifestyle with a scrumptious diet, I was also slipping into obesity. You don’t really realize that you are getting fat even if those favorite pair of jeans are not fitting you any more unless someone who haven’t met you in years remarks, OH! HAVE YOU PUT ON SOME WEIGHT? Well that is when it does strike you the first time. It did to me when one of my friend who I happened to meet after two years dawned this reality to me.
If you are wondering that I immediately started working out after and went on a fad diet, well you are wrong. I did try hitting the gym, but it was in vain. I would only go twice a week, that too with a lot of effort. Well even that didn’t really work out well, because I still kept binge eating. It was only after a couple of weeks later with my remarks of obesity gaining momentum, when I realised that OK! I think it’s time to get serious with the gym.
Well, I will be honest I did get serious in the gym, I now started going five days a week, but apparently I still wasn’t losing weight. Whoever told you, JUST running treadmills and lifting weights will make you lose weight, they are WRONG. I lost nothing. This was because I was still binge eating and was devouring those ice-creams at every single opportunity. The first learning that I had in my journey to fitness was that one cannot lose weight only by running treadmill. Diet is a major constituent in your weight loss journey. It was then that I engaged a diet coach and decided to not only streamline my physical activities but also my diet.
You often don’t tend to realize when and how you gain weight. However, I personally feel that the ball is always in your court when it comes to weight loss or weight gain. Like in my previous article of ‘Cant’ let go of those cupcakes, Try Artificial Sweeteners instead,’ I discussed how one can train one’s mind to do mindful eating similarly one can also train one’s mind to binge eat. While mindful eating helps you stay fit and healthy, binging can lead you to gain weight and attract all kinds of other disorders like obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes etc.,
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